Conversation Between Tessu and Ranmaru

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. I... I am? I see. I know now the path I must take! ONWARDZ! TUU DA LEFFT! Thats... Genius. I will do immediatley.
  2. Who are you? You are Mr./Mrs. Energy.

    If you change your username, maike it Teissu just to confuse the hell outta people ;o
  3. All my life... WHO AM I?!?!?! Tell me! I wonder if I can change my user name to something more creative... ^_~
  4. Lol, mr. energetic, eh? We will break free, we will! Yes, I am a hyper person, do you see this from my posting style, lol?
  5. It tickles me pink to find a visitor message from Mr. Energetic every day :>

    I WANT TO BREAK FREE TOO! FROM MY CHAINS OF [emo stuff here] ;____;
  6. I want to break free! lmao From what, I do not know.
  7. I see, I am sorry to hear about that, hopefully you can blow things up next time you get the chance. Sure, I would be happy to teach you!!!
  8. No I haven't blown anything up. Disappointing? Yes ;-;

    Also cool@random gender changes, teach me how to do that
  9. Rofl, sometimes it does that. ~_# lol. Jk Mine is fine, I didn't do much, not really caring about the fireworks. Didn't you get to burn stuff up? OMG, I was about to leave a message in my own profile again. <_< >_> CUT AND PASTE TYME!!!!!1111
  10. I see your gender suddenly changed

    Also, my fourth isn't all that great. At all. In fact, today sucks ;> That's okay though. Youuuu?
  11. Yo! How did your 4th of july go?
  12. I am fine, thank you. Had went off to play a little PSO, lol. Yes, I have had my fair share of meanies, I wouldn't want to go to a party with them either. Hope you are having fun.
  13. I'm well, since we get to light shit on fire today. I'm not particularly looking forward to the party with my old childhood friends, though. They're MEANIES.
    And you?
  14. Hello, thank you for adding me. How are joo?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 34 of 34
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