Conversation Between Melissa805 and Ryno

5 Visitor Messages

  1. no wonder i havent seen you post. last post was in march.
    but anyways.. jsut saying hello to keep up the convo.
  2. I deny all cards that are sent to me from people I do not know so next time you need to send me a message on live sayen hey I know you on pso world and im sending you a card and Ill accept it np and put you on my top friends
  3. I think I saw you online. I sent you my card, but I think you were AFK.
  4. Happy Valentine's Day Melissa!
  5. I see your pictures
    but. how out going are you compared to me? =P
    I MAJORITY go out most of the times .
    most of my outgoing picture are not even on here there mostly on facebook and myspace.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5