Conversation Between Phaesphora and Mike

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Join the crowd
  2. Thanks for the birthday message! I wish I could say that I've reached the point where age doesn't matter... but, well... I feel pretty old. D;
  3. Congratulations on being slightly older than you were before.
  4. No. I did design it myself though. It's a skin for a rather amusing game called Minecraft. Anyways, there are still 9 months left in PSO's 10th aniversary so it'll probably be a while before any solid info comes out but Shogai stays on top of things so it's the site I like to go to for info.
  5. Has anyone told you that you have a strange blue box-head? Thanks for the shogai links, I hope there is a new console PS on the way...
  6. I am a fan of the show, but I wouldn't call myself one 'cause I'm not that big a fan.

    Thanks. PSOW was down on my birthday so nobody noticed.
  7. So... am I mistaken... or are you a mistie?

    Happy belated b-day, btw.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7