Conversation Between Miyoko and FenixStryk

5 Visitor Messages

  1. The worst part is, in his bizarre overinflated ego driven tiny little world, he'll take that to think "he won" and start spouting that fact to everything.
  2. I'm about ready to just let it rot. If he doesn't get it now, he never will.

    In the meantime, I need to detox. Hopefully I can figure something out...
  3. Poor thing. Really tries your patience, huh? It's like arguing with a rock. A really dumb rock.
  4. I'm so tired...
  5. On the one hand, I want to thank you for dealing with Zipzo and proving him wrong on so many levels...

    But on the other hand, I want to apologize for you having to deal with such a dipshit. Doesn't matter how much evidence you post, he's just going to shove his head deeper into his own butt, ignoring everything but his love for the smell of his own farts.
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