Conversation Between DarkEliteRico and Rei Ichigoro

7 Visitor Messages

  1. were doing good as for a wedding invite uh we were thinking about a couple of years from now
  2. Oh and I just got news publisher rights on another website, I'll try to post up more information about it when things get ironed out
  3. Nice, sorry I haven't been checking in as often as I should. I hope you two are doing ok now that you are together, so when do I get the invite to the wedding LOL
  4. why have you not sent a msg back? >.> im living with mike now
  5. Hey bro guess what im finally moving in with mike. Monday is the big day i can't wait a little nervous bout flying and meeting his family.
  6. Just sitting around about to go to court again on monday, this time i really think it's jail time for me w00t. Still unemployed and hating every day as the bills keep piling up.
  7. hey whats up I havent talked to you forever big bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7