Conversation Between DEM_CIG and Ryno

4 Visitor Messages

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CIG! its been while
    hope all is well!
  2. Yeah. Im back, lol. I am thinking to switch over to the japanese server in the winter, when I get a new computer... so I can practice my japanese. But I am am back on the 360 server now. If you want to do some runs Ryno. Send me a message.
  3. you're back playing PSU? i havent seen you online i nforever.
  4. Hey me and one of my best friends are gonna run some GOF on monday, If you want to run with us Ryno if your on just message me or something... Can not w8 till PSP comes out on the 3rd ^_^.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4