Conversation Between UVERlupend and whispers

19 Visitor Messages

  1. eyo how are things
  2. hey Whisp just wondering if you gonna be playing more often now since the supplemental update's out now?
  3. damn sounds good so far i'll be joining u guys soon
  4. its not bad on 360 prices are cheaper in player shops. i been rollin in full partys... atm theres a PA boost so my AT isnt gimped hahah oh yeah original 360 players dont know how to use an AT right. they dont give a crap bout the party.
  5. how is it so far? im getting my copy next week
  6. yes i am.
  7. u playin on the 360 servers now?
  8. yeah im gonna buy the game next week, so i'll be nub for a while. But the event's up so it shouldnt take too long to be back to where i was. It blows that all the shit we had we have to work for again. But i'll be there
  9. well its gonna be a few weeks b4 i can get a 2nd 360 but yeah i think im gonna play there. not lookin forward to being a nub and lvlin all them techs again... least i dotn have to have xbl gold account...
  10. hey you gonna go to the 360 servers? I might
  11. coo man, thatsw what we need.
  12. hey up for anything u got planned for Da Famz....hit me up whenever
  13. yo sup Whisp. how you been?
  14. wth u cant log on?
  15. sure if i can get PSU to work....>< im running XP and everytime PSU boots the window tryin to figure out what the problem is
  16. hit me up or just join my partry. im not always as afk as i look.
  17. Hey Whisp lol we should party some time... I haven't partied with any of the Famz lately =/
  18. sup Whisp
  19. yo Whisp wassup
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19