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  1. View Conversation
    Also, I didn't like how it made my old name came off as...I don't know, a Muslim when I'm actually Catholic.
  2. View Conversation
    Hey, FOmar King. I used to be FOmarRashidi. I apologize for being the Judas Goat to you in your old group, the FON club, by turning against you that one summer when you got banned from PSO-World. I'm sorry.
  3. View Conversation
    haha thanks! i should post pictures of my force in the force group , shes in my album aswell in userpage :3 her name is Pepper
  4. View Conversation
    lol hey , sorry late reply, currently installing VPN so i can connect to pso2 :3, heres hoping it works
  5. View Conversation
  6. View Conversation
    How are you doing? It's been quite awhile!
  7. View Conversation
    Not too mu-

    Okay, I lied. I'm not in the Navy, in Japan of all places. It's been a good experience so far, with a great many self discoveries as well as new friends gained, bonds strengthened, and a promise to a very special someone named Zeal here. I've had my ups and downs, but all in all I can say it's been good.

    How about yourself?
  8. View Conversation
    *random hug from the blue*

  9. View Conversation
    Heh, no problem at all.
  10. View Conversation
    'gives Topps a hug because he needs one'
  11. View Conversation
    No problem, Topps.
  12. View Conversation
    What Arc said is probably true. I have no experience in that field, because any girl i've ever fallen in love with returned that love...
  13. View Conversation
    Love doesn't have to be said. If you like her, pursue her. If you feel she doesn't intimately like you, try some approaches and see what she does. I hate to sound kind of like that pro person but love is a long-term experiment. If she's a kind person, she will either let you on or off gently. If otherwise, the mean person will rush the process. In other words, do what you will for her for the day and then plan for the next. Compliment her emotionally and physically. Love requires patience. If you get her, don't let her go. Love is also a compromise. You give up some things as she does too.

    Umm... I guess that's what I can give you for now. PM me how it goes, okay? Turn to me when you need some emotional support. I'm always here for you.
  14. View Conversation
    Doing fine. And yes, things are busy, especially this time of year. Doing stuff for the local Ren Fest as well. A group I was doing a movie soundtrack for wants me to head the music for a project which will be a comedy web series. Already started music on that one as the first episode is pretty much shot. There's some extra timing and editing still being done by the production group, so I don't have finals to place in them. The first intro song is pretty much almost done from a production aspect, though it looks like I'll have another one before the episode is to be finalized.
  15. View Conversation
    What kind of instrument are you trying to work on?
  16. View Conversation
    It's good to know you haven't fallen off the face of the earth. How are you doing right now?
  17. View Conversation
    Hey Topps. Just know I'm still around
  18. View Conversation
    Hi topps, hope you're doing well. I finally managed to swing by here again. Remember back in the beginning how I said I was on here an abnormal amount? Yeah, I wasn't kidding. I found that I needed to refrain from a lot of things this school year. I might not be on here much, but after surviving my first year of college, I can try to get on here every so often.
    Plus, I'm really excited for PSO2!
  19. View Conversation
    hey topps, nice to see you and kirt talking, man i hope the three of us can get back together and reform the holy trinity we had, those were great times, and now with the new phantasy star online in the works, ill be swinging by more often for updates
  20. View Conversation
    yeah its been awhile im doing well thanx for asking
    that sucks you dont got psp2
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Topps. FOmar. lvl 101. and one heck of a guy.
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The Jeweled Geomancer
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5414 0294 0872


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PSO Characters:
Topps. FOmar. lvl 101. and one heck of a guy.
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The Jeweled Geomancer
PS Zero Friend Code:
5414 0294 0872
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