
Type: Posts; User: RLbitClassica

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  1. Playing again! Anyone else still active here?

    All my progress is gone because I had to sell my DS collection a couple of years back. But I got it again and am back on the grindstone... Got my racast back to lv 85 and just finished my first SH...
  2. Replies

    We should start a petition!!! Just...

    We should start a petition!!!

    Just kidding! Instead, I will raise my glass to a great game and all the great people I played it with! Sadly, this could be the final nail in the coffin for...
  3. As a man with no real goals in life, I often find...

    As a man with no real goals in life, I often find myself playing the philosopher and trying to observe patterns in society... and I think ours is peaking out fast. The internet is something amazing...
  4. Game While you're probably right, I pray to god that...

    While you're probably right, I pray to god that you are dead wrong.

    Zero may have been a financial flop, but I've not felt happier playing a Phantasy Star game since the original PSO.
  5. Replies

    That's cool. I dont watch twitch much, but I'd...

    That's cool. I dont watch twitch much, but I'd totally be down for watchin some pso
  6. Replies

    I used to play a fair amount online a while ago,...

    I used to play a fair amount online a while ago, but eventually quit due to nintendo's online service being a general nightmare to deal with. Some of you may remember me, but I definitely don't...
  7. Ummm... no. No they

    Ummm... no. No they wouldn't. As much as the die-hard SEGA fans would like to believe that their fanboyism means something in the eyes of SEGA and that bashing on naysayers somehow makes them...
  8. I keep waiting and waiting

    I keep waiting and waiting for news of ANY us phantasy star release, but I now see SEGA has much bigger issues atm. >_>
  9. Who even cares anymore? SEGA

    Who even cares anymore? SEGA needs to get their shit together.
  10. Do you get better drop rates for solo runs?

    I'm reffering to the infamous meat shields. I have no concrete evidence to support this, but I seem to get (good)rare drops on a more frequent basis when I venture out alone. Is this true or am I...
  11. Replies

    Oh.... Way to burst my bubble! Lol

    Oh.... Way to burst my bubble!

  12. Replies

    Been gettin somewhat lucky with my armor drops...

    Been gettin somewhat lucky with my armor drops recently. In the past 2 weeks, I've found a Milias Frame, Workout Wear and Spirit Garb, all 4 slots, in addition to a 3-slot Mobius Plate.
  13. Lol I was lucky enough to randomally stumble upon...

    Lol I was lucky enough to randomally stumble upon a Liese Garland while NOT looking for it. I'm 99% I traded that item last time I made my PSO-world rounds. Oh well, guess its back to ET. Even if I...
  14. Replies

    True. I never thought of it that way... And I...

    True. I never thought of it that way... And I didn't even know you couldn't buy chaos element! Guess I was never interested in them because I don't like how they can give you're enemies buffs.
  15. Replies

    Hrm, I do appreciate the offer... and part of me...

    Hrm, I do appreciate the offer... and part of me wants to say 'hell yes', but I'm not sure if I want to have hacked items in my game or not... either way, I won't be available for trade or...
  16. So you think I'm better off farming ET than the...

    So you think I'm better off farming ET than the shrine? I figures more zaphobos=more chances to get one, but I've killed so many already. Idk. I was lucky enough to find a psycho wand, maybe I should...
  17. Has anyone here found a Yasminkov M109?

    This has pretty much been the main weapon I've been after since I discovered PSO-world. I'm just curious as to how rare this item is and if anyone here has been lucky enough to stumble upon one.
  18. Replies

    Well that's good. At least you get some time to...

    Well that's good. At least you get some time to play. I dont get much time on a normal day to play psz, but we're in port 3 times a week, so I try and get my hours in then.
  19. Replies

    Wow. I think I understood about half of what you...

    Wow. I think I understood about half of what you said lol. I'm surprised though. Due to how much you have accomplished in PSZ, I always imagined you as a younger person who had a lot of free time....
  20. Replies

    Oh ok, I knew you were in the service, didn't...

    Oh ok, I knew you were in the service, didn't know you were Navy though. I, however, am not military, I'm just a trainee on board a merchant vessel called the El Morro.
  21. Replies

    That's more or less what happened to me. PSP2 is...

    That's more or less what happened to me. PSP2 is ok, but it isn't PSZ. I guess the funny thing is that PSZ is the game that seems to get the bad rap due to the hardware that it's on.
  22. Replies

    If the group is still active when I get home I...

    If the group is still active when I get home I just might join... unfortunately that won't be for about another month and a half to 2 months though... :(
  23. Replies

    Yeesh, how do you have so many heaven weapons? I...

    Yeesh, how do you have so many heaven weapons? I was under the impression that you only get 1 per cart. And on that note, when you say that "heaven will be removed if traded", does that mean that the...
  24. Replies

    Wow, I'm surprised at the diversity in your...

    Wow, I'm surprised at the diversity in your answsers, thank you guys for your suggestions. I didn't find PSZ at the Fort Lauderdale gamestop, so I'm going to wait until this friday when my ship stops...
  25. Replies

    What should my next character be?

    So, like ChaosRappy, I have decided that I will be picking up an extra copy of PSZ and using it for additional characters and... other things... I will discuss at a later time. The problem for me now...
Results 1 to 25 of 335
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