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  1. #1
    [゚д゚] < ナカソネティーチャー Mike's Avatar
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    Default More Character Transfer + Bonus Item Information

    New info (?) on what can be transferred and what can't be transfered. The bonus items are also explained.

    The bonus items are a saber called the "Exam" (イグザム) that is equipable by all races and classes and a random effect unit. I assume this would be something like the extra units that give you an aura. I was hoping the bonus item wouldn't be the saber we saw in the video yesterday but it is. Bleh.

    And for the nitty-gritty of the transfers, this is what transfers over:

    # Race
    # Sex
    # Underwear color
    # Eye color
    # Lip color
    # Skin color
    # Body shape
    # PM name
    # PM type
    # The parts/clothes you are wearing (they go in to your inventory apparently)

    This is what doesn't:

    # Level
    # Voice type
    # Voice pitch
    # Anything besides body type, skin color, and lip color that is appearance related
    # Accesories (ie hair?)
    # Items in your inventory
    # Meseta
    # Type levels
    # Photon arts
    # Stored items
    # Titles
    # Item collection

    And while I don't think this affects most of us, only characters from the retail version of PSP1 and not the demo/trial can be transferred.
    Last edited by Mike; Sep 4, 2009 at 12:18 AM. Reason: Thanks to .newzero for point out my mistake

  2. #2
    Douche of Tears Ffuzzy-Logik's Avatar
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    At least the important stuff like underwear color transfers. The feature would be a complete waste without that.

  3. #3


    And I thought I could make a new char in PSP1 and level up to 100...It's useless now.

    Btw. isn't that saber called "Exam" and not "Igzam"? (it's a bit confusing how they write english words in katakana x_x)

  4. #4
    [゚д゚] < ナカソネティーチャー Mike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by .newzero View Post
    Btw. isn't that saber called "Exam" and not "Igzam"? (it's a bit confusing how they write english words in katakana x_x)
    You, sir, are correct.

  5. #5
    Yasminkov Fanboy Waki Miko Syamemaru!'s Avatar
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    So our new sword is called Exam? I wonder where they got the name from?

  6. #6


    So no face shape/head type, eye shape, ears, eyebrow shape and hair stile... Why are they removing all the hair and ears instead of adding more? what a waste...

  7. #7


    Pretty cool!

    Copypasta UMD video mentioned at the bottom.

    Phantasy Star Portable [PSP: The Best]” will include a 63 minute movie UMD disc. The movie title “Phantasy Star Universe Chronicle” will sum up the Phantasy Star Universe series starting with Chapter 1: The SEED invasion!, Chapter 2: Ambition of Illuminus, and ends with the Chapter 3: Seal of Rykros. It will feature narration from Ethan, Laia, and Lumia, and voice work for Episode 3. Episode 3 is a must see because it features excellent voice work from familiar voice actors. This is an indispensable fan item and they urge you to watch it before enjoying Phantasy Star Portable 2

  8. #8
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by .newzero View Post
    And I thought I could make a new char in PSP1 and level up to 100...It's useless now.

    Btw. isn't that saber called "Exam" and not "Igzam"? (it's a bit confusing how they write english words in katakana x_x)
    It's exam, really.

  9. #9
    [゚д゚] < ナカソネティーチャー Mike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by landman View Post
    So no face shape/head type, eye shape, ears, eyebrow shape and hair stile... Why are they removing all the hair and ears instead of adding more? what a waste...
    Who said they were removing any? You just have to pick it all out again.

    Quote Originally Posted by WBMike View Post
    This is an indispensable fan item and they urge you to watch it before enjoying Phantasy Star Portable 2
    I kind of wish they'd sell the UMD video seperately. I don't need an extra copy of PSP hanging around.

  10. #10


    I read "iguzamu" here.

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