Now, I'm running on the assumption here, that she is meant to be proportioned like a normal-ish human being, in which case, either her body is too long, or her arms are too short. Stand up straight, let your arms dangle straight down, and touch the sides of your legs. That should give you an idea of how long arms are meant to be.

Personally, I believe that the arms are long enough, but the body is too long, right around the midriff. There's a concave segment right underneath her shirt that could just be swatted right on out. Here's a really sloppy demonstration of what I mean--

See how much that clears stuff up?

MEIRA-EDIT: Spoiler boxes never seem to work right when I post them, for some reason.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HUnewearl_Meira on 2008-02-20 22:09 ]</font>