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  1. #91

    Default My Greatest PS Experience

    I was playing Very Hard mode with my RAcast. I was using a Varista that I had used the maximum amount of grinders on. For a long time, I had been trying to make it through the ruins to unlock Ultimate mode. I finally made it to the boss teleporter and telepiped back to stock up. I went to the bank and got out all the monomates, dimates, trimates, star atomizers, and scape dolls I could carry. In other words, I had every possible way to heal as a cast. Eventually I found myself battling Dark Falz's final form. I had been fighting him for a long time when I realized that I had just used my last healing item. I fought on, but I knew there was little chance of me winning at this point. Fortunately, I still had the max amount of scape dolls. As I alternated between shooting at him while he was vulnerable and trying to dodge his attacks, I was using up scape dolls left and right. Then, I ran out. I saw Dark Falz getting ready to do his unavoidable attack. I knew I was dead. Then, I saw my character get up off the ground. My Mag had revived me. Dark Falz put down his shield, and with one desperate Hard-Hard-Hard combo, he was dead. Even now that I have the ability to evolve my Mag into one of the rare forms, I decided that I would keep it the same, In honor of that moment.

  2. #92


    I have sort of two moments that has happened to me.....
    But first my backgroundfeel moment on PSU...

    My background moment took place when the game was still somewhat young and the expansion didn't take place. At that time it was difficult to earn money and gain exp with mission points and what not. It had to during the Bruce missions that were rewarding about a 1k at the end of the missions and the money drops could be more than 100 mesta. At that time it was quite fun because everyone relied on each other and to gain money or help each other out there would do the same. Later on the lab recovery mission was all the rage and junaline were every popular. I met two friends Highway and Reconstrucktor which help me out on the game sooo much it was unbelieveable. With things far as money, weapons, clothing, and well.. friendship. As I went on it became as though that kindness was place on me and today i help out anyone i can.....

    Now my first moment was before the expansion and at the time of "Her Secret Mission" and I had just bought a one handed claw with the money that i saved up and it costed 100k (at that time her secret mission paid out to about 10k at the end of the moission and was a little easier than Bruce's dungeon) and unfortunately I regreted my decision of buying I found some that was willing to buy it from me but he want to see it first and while he saw it he took off with it , thats when I noticed...he scammed me! The nerve that he had to do that to me. Well people were there too and there helping me track him down. They helped me out soo much, they stayed with me for five days straight looking for him. We eventually found him scamming someone else and at that time we warned that guy of his actions and he took off before he could scam the other guy. I never got it back but I thank those who hellped me to this day.......

    My second moment was when I out seaching for an agito repca (which is very hard to get any day). At that time it was MAG event that was going on and i figured that i should look for one. I was seriously low on money and didnt have enough money to buy an "S" rank armor so with my three star luck i headed to True Darkness and prepared my mind for the long process. it took me five days straight to get it. Which is also fun beacuse i first found a agito edge and then though about quiting but decided to do another mission and found the repca . That day i could't stop jumping up and down because of my excited. Two days later it sold for 50mil (which it cheap now a days). But if i didnt keep trying i would have never gotten it.........

  3. #93
    That annoying guy who posts on your threads. ColonelPiFace's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    My most memorable moment playing a Phantasy Star game was when i first got to play PSO. My friend who had been playing for years was like "Let's play split screen." So, he's playing his level 124 Character and I'm stuck as a level one HuMar. The first thing he does is switch to the weapon "Twin Blaze", which he couldn't remember the name of at the time. Me and my friends were like "Woah, what's that weapon!?!" He then proceeded to tell us it was called the "Flaming Q-Tip of Death". We were all amazed, and completely fascinated, and so we played the game for a good hour and a half. All because of this experience, PSO has become my favorite game. The instant i saw it at Toys R Us, i knew i had to get it. I ended up spending the money my dad gave me for lunch on it. YAY PSO!

  4. #94


    There are alot of great memories from this game, some of my favorites being the funny positions people get frozen in. But my great memory which was funny yet sad at the same time was when Bladed Legacy first came out. My friend and I went and picked up a full party. Not knowing what was coming we were all wearing light armor. Everything was fine through the mission then we came to Magashi. 6 lvl 140s and we all used all 10 of our scape dolls and were running around reviving each other with moon atomizer we had picked up from the mission. Very funny moment. Then we decided to go back about 2 weeks ago, just me and my friend. We thought we were gonna die alot again but then we were surprised when we completed it without dieing at all. Tornado Dance FTW!

  5. #95


    My most memorable in-game moment goes back to PSO. My brother has always bothered me to make a hucast but I never felt like I needed to make one since I had a hucaseal. After I lost my hucaseal to erased data (another story) I decided to make a hucast. He was named Demonslayer and my brother's hucast was named Ifrit.

    Before I knew it I got attached to my hucast. We were like twins. Sometimes it was hard to tell us apart since we had the same colors most of the time. It was like we read each others mind when it came to running different paths, activating photon blast, sharing rares or just speeding through runs.
    ***A time to the past***

    Most of all having that one special moment that just brings back all the good and bad times and been able to capture it is just something I'll always hold dear to me. Below was just a random picture I took when we were running seaside area. It wasn't till later I saw the effect the electro frame made. It beautifully sums up all our time on pso.
    Last edited by RadiantLegend; Apr 6, 2009 at 05:06 PM. Reason: >_< can't believe i wrote that

    {Theme: Infinite Legends}
    RadiantAim: When did you get here?
    LegendAim: Wow he actually leveled him
    LordAim: Hai gaiz

  6. #96

    Smile Re.

    My memorable moment was definitly when i first got psu, and got so excited that i played for eight hours straight into the night, and passed out sleeping on the recliner.

  7. #97


    I will never forget this one memorable time while playing PSU, i remember i just got back into PSU after the expansion came out and it was pretty fun, and i remember i met this one guy named Johnny and we were doing a run, i was the leader and he joined in and i got the rare item at the end and he was begging me for it and i was like alright because i was a noob and i didn't know what it was and i didn't know the value of it, anyways so this guy Johnny sends me his friend card and starts inviting me to do missions with him so i went and i met one of Johnny's close friends a guy named Sita, and the two of them started helping me out since i gave Johnny that one item which turned out to be sori mind which at the time was worth like 20 mil and i was extremely poor and i was such a noob, so i guess they felt obligated to repay me for it which they both did more then what i felt i deserved and slowly i started playing with this Sita guy more and more and we became really good friends since Johnny was to busy playing crackdown all the time and Sita would teach me everything about PSU he always gave me money and double sabers since i loved them so much and he always helped me hunt for boards of items i would want and on top of that he would even make the weapon for me, since he was so rich, no doubt in my mind he was one of the richest players i ever saw. anyway the memorable moment was when we were hunting for the rattle snake which went for like 99 mil because it was so rare and it was the only item sita did not have that he wanted and we always did run after run after run to look for this damn rattlesnake that was like unheard of, it wasnt even seen in a single palette at the time and i remember me, sita and my friend billy were just doing the run and i was like " Sita this is the last run i will do of this stupid robot that never drops the rattlesnake" and sure enough after we ko that robot thing i forgot what it is called he dropped the rattlesnake and it went to me and sita was like dead speechless, its to bad i couldnt acually see his face when i got it because it was like unheard of and after all these runs it goes to me and sure enough i was so thrilled because i had given him the rattlesnake and i had finally felt as though i repaid Sita for everything he did for me.... good times i miss Sita and Johnny its to bad they both quit PSU

  8. #98
    The Artist Formerly Known As... Something Else SammaeltheDark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    I was still in college and PSO ep.1&2 for the GameCube had just come out. There was a steady group of 4 people consisting of 3 friends & myself (playing a FOmar) who spent a lot of long nights playing local multiplayer, often until the sun came up. We all had played through PSO ver.2 on the Dreamcast up until Ult, so we knew what to expect from episode 1. Episode 2 was an entirely new experience for us...

    The best moment that has shaped my memories of that time and the game itself came when we finally made it to the bottom of the Seabed area and entered the final boss teleporter. An unintelligible, guttural growl from off screen, the platform we were standing on dropping into an uncontrolled descent, the driving beat of the opening seconds of ''IDOLA Have the Immortal Feather'', and that's when we all saw Olga Flow drop into view for the first time. We knew we were at the end of the game. We wanted that victory. What followed was us barely eeking out a victory against Olga's first form, and then the chaos of his second form. I was the only Force in our group for Reverser, but Olga could easily kill me in one hit. The fight was spent running around and hiding behind rocks so I could cast Reverser as needed, while everyone else ran around at the hulking giant's feet, trying to figure out his attack patterns and dodge them. By that time we were pretty well out of Moon Atomizers. In the end we lost, but we still didn't want to give up. We regrouped, pooled what money, Scape Dolls, and items we had in our banks and attempt the fight 2 more times in succession before we finally won.

    Since then, Olga Flow has become just another boss to farm over and over for rare items, but for that one night, that one time, he was a fearsome threat and an entire new experience for us all.

  9. #99


    I have always enjoyed the entire Phantasy Star Series from Phantasy Star 1 to PSU today. I have to say that my most memorable moment in the entire story was when Nei dies in PS 2. For games back then, this was especially shocking. I hated it so much and got mad at the game because I couldn't use what was probably the best character in the game. Nei leveled so fast. Was the strongest by far, Rolf and Rudo were a bunch of wusses. Nei would have been lvl 100 well before any of the others could hit lvl 30. Such a short lived character in a tiny part of the story but just so loveable and unforgettable. Not even Rika could rise to this level in spite of her additional story time in PS4. Not to say Rika wasn't loveable of course. Just not as much as Nei.

    In a close second was finally doing a complete map of Baya Malay in Phantasy star 1 with my older brothers using graph paper. OMG that was just horrible and took so long because we kept missing squares and getting lost and misplacing trap spots, and it seemed at every darn turn there was a six pack of centurians ready to pound us and force us out to restock. You have to understand, this was 1988. We didn't have commercial internet yet, let alone Windows. I know, I know what does that have to do with anything. Well, we couldn't just go online and look up maps and get hints from other people. We had to wait a month or 2 for guides. But we couldn't wait. That was a good time.

    If some of you haven't had a chance to enjoy the old school RPG Phantasy star games. You should give them a try.

    Maybe..just Maybe.... PSU might see fit to give Nei a return appearance
    Last edited by Pocket Fuzz; Apr 6, 2009 at 05:37 PM.

  10. #100

    Talking A big thankyou to PSU

    My most memorable moment. Well it was on Phantasy Star Universe in Online Mode. There, i was alone and always playing missions in solo. And a day, a girl named Kate Summers came in my party and said let's play together. I learned to know this person better and finally, she gave me her email adress. Well it was a boy playing a girl but i didn't care about it, because i was already concidering that one as a friend. And today, this guy is my best friend. We met in real life and we had much fun together on christmas. It was the most beautiful holidays of my life! THANKS TO PHANTASY STAR UNIVERSE!! you can't realize how an online game can change your life.

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