Quote Originally Posted by str898mustang View Post
It's been tested. Inazuma tested this and the Pushan was better. I'll see if I can find the link to the test he made.

EDIT: found the link http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?t=260978

it's a comparison of MF vs. FT but u can see the damage difference between a Pushan and Pwand.

Interesting numbers and thanks for the link! While I'm not disputing the numbers nor the validity of the person who tested and posted them, I would like to perform my own tests as there is no way I would ever just rely on one person's test.

I mean, there was no mention of the PWand having all dark techs mapped to it (which would boost the damage) nor was there an explanation of how DPS was calculated (did this person add up the damage over 10 seconds and divide by 10? Did they add up the damage over a minute and divide by 60?) Also, this person listed some exception notes at the end of this post AND this test was primarily to test the speed of a MF vs. the power of a FT and not to test PWand v Tech-Mag.

Again, I'm not disputing the numbers but I'd like to perform some tests of my own where I can control the conditions! For instance, a Pwand with four like elements assigned vs. a Pushan with 2 like elements assigned.

Another factor to take into consideration is inventory space. In order to assign 20 different techs, I can either carry 5 Rods or 10 Tech-Mags.

Also, with my play style, I like to have pretty much all of my techs to be readily available to me at all times. Just counting Tech-Mags, I can only have 12 techs ready vs. 24 total available with rods.

I hypothesize that I will find Rods are best in certain situations and Tech-Mags in other situations. The PP on Tech-Mags is a real turn off though!

Thanks for all your help.