This update includes everything that was scheduled for March 17 along with some new items (presumably what we would've gotten on March 24).

GUARDIANS Chronicle 2nd
* Roar of Flames C-S3 - Flame infection has spread across the outskirts of the Denes RELICS. Infiltrate the site and take down the infected creatures and De Ragan!
* Chronicle Setup HQ 2nd - Updated to include new information about Roar of Flames.

Updated missions
* Special Exchange 3rd will be updated to add new exchange items.

GM event rewards
* Winners of the Valentine's Day GM event "Who Gave and Received Chocolate?" will be awarded their present -- GIRLS Hanataba (saber) -- via common box.

Item updates
* New weapons will be added, including Soul Phoenix (sword) and Innocent Mary (saber).
* GC Shop will be updated with new clothes from the GC Gacha, including but not limited to Kaguya Hirari (female clothes) and G Female Uniform CV (female clothes).
* The Triathlon Gacha will be replaced with a new lottery.
* New items will be added to Legacy of the Light C-S and Photon Crystal Exchange. These include Mode: Noir (female clothes) and Examination (wand).
* The following items will be temporarily removed from Photon Crystal Exchange:
- Trident Crusher
- Divine Breath
- Inferno Bazooka
- Yasminkov 2000H
- Dream Master
- 410 Ossoria Dress/Set
- 430 Ossoria Dress/Set
- 450 Ossoria Dress/Set
- 480 Ossoria Suit/Set
* Casino rotation.