You read it on IGN, you saw the quote from Sega saying its okay, you did, you liked, now byebye items.

Is this how you feel? Me too.

Now forget all this im going to speak up for every one who feels the same way i do.

Sega you rule.
I still got love, but for every one on here saying "Down with dupers"??? WTF?!
I know atleast everyone reading this has at least a twin brand or two, or some other item, you didnt find.

Whats that? you traded? my ass!

Oh sorry come again? A friend gave it to you, and He/she found it? My ass!

Just becuase one person says "Down with dupers" doesnt mean we all should run around and start saying it, what is this? A revolution?

Come one people, playing the Forest to the Ruins day after day just gets old.

But duping brought a new element to this already great game, TRADING! You got ripped off, big deal, you have 8 more in the bank...

Saying wait hold on i got mail, and seeing a request for the hook up on some great new weapons you would never find even if you were level two million. Dropping great stuff off to just a random game saying here, keep playing, and watching them flip because they just realized, this is a Team effort, no one loggs on and plays alone.

You say down with dupers, but you dont realize your saying down with fun.

I called SEGA, and told then about what is happening, they told me it was Faulty software, yeah i bet...

Ill tell you what faulty software is, its when ive been playing ALL DAY and im at the ruins getting my PSO on, and my DC suddenly reboots, and i lose everything not equipped, not THATS the only thing faulty with PSO.

Dude dont stop the fun, duping opens doors to a whole new twist on the game, and even if you dont like it, so what.. what has duping done to effect YOUR game play?.... Thats right... keep thinking..... you got it, Nothing what so ever.

Now before i stop this rant, i know theres gonna be a few people who read this and say WTF "F you" GLHeX you suck!

And why? Because im telling the truth?

Fine... As of right now, if you are against duping, dont play on my team, if you help me out ill bust my ass to help you, but right now your kicking me down.

So again for all of you who are against duping, dont even think about joining my team, ill see you online....

hopefully well be on the same side of the chalk line.

-Im done.