Switching palettes is easier.
Up/Down switches between six weapon types.
Left/Right switches sub-palettes(items).

Murder Abilities
All GAs and Techs are immediately given. You just need materials to level them.
Gran Arts
Charge times are reduced and at times instant. No more Combo as they are now chainable to each other.
Needs Charging but it's fast don't worry. No more 3 hit Combo and always needs charging but more potent.


Class Counter
Class Change - Change classes, level is locked on job so each job can reach Lv 200.
Gran Arts Counter - Level GAs.
Techniques Counter - Level Techs.
Skill Pod - basically acts the Interface to put passive skills. Similar to PSPo but better as each skill only use one slot. Putting skills adjacently but not in diagonal, will sometimes result in zkill combo. Granting better boosfs and doen't take a slot. so you can have say three abilities acgive rather than 2.

Weapon Shop
Creates Weapons but needs materials. Create and Attach Attack parts(basically unit modules but for weapons instead).

Shield Shop
Same as bove except sheilds only. The only lone defensive equipment. No more mkxules or sets.

Item Shop
Same as above except items only.

Costume Shop
Same as above but for costumes.

Edit your characters appearnce.

Cooking Facility
For the right material you can gst various effects like damage boost, etc. Simar to MonHun Foods just no eating shown.

Unclocks certain improvements like Halo and Buster for Gran Energy.

PS These Facilities are empty and later you can assign NPCs to man it. Choosing an NPC with appropriate skill could increase options or reduce costs.