I totally expect to get seriously flammed for this, but here goes.

I'm sick and tired of seeing these graphic sigs that take up half a screen, sometimes repeating the same one 4 or more times in the same damn post, and serve no purpose other than to make you feel better about your character. Having to scroll through so many sigs (many of which are just too damn big) just to read someone's 2 line post is aggrevating. SUGGESTION: Don't know if you can program the board code to allow this, but don't repeat someones banner more than once per post.

I know there are "requested" image sizes for this board, but even those are too damn big. Do yourself a favor, and to all of us who honestly don't care about sigs, if you have to use one, make it the size of a typical internet banner ad.

Don't mean to be harsh...I understand people are proud of their characters, and sigs are fun to look at, but its gotten completely out of hand.

(I miss my old C-64...back in my day, we didn't fancy hi-res sigs, Photoshop or Flash, just moving ASCII art...if you were LUCKY! Nowadays, all these kiddies with their warzed copy of Adobe, think its funny to tie up my T1 bandwidth with their "tags"...sheesh)
