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  1. #1


    Ok, all I want to know is if it is really worth it to hunt for torrs with a bluefull in order to get heaven punisher. I know bluefulls are the ones with better chance but the drop rate of this weapon seems a bit too low for a rare enemy like torr (1/205). I know too that this wep has 12 stars and all but have you guys ever found it with success offline? How many torrs?

  2. #2


    On 2004-04-27 18:28, Aztec_Mystic wrote:
    Ok, all I want to know is if it is really worth it to hunt for torrs with a bluefull in order to get heaven punisher. I know bluefulls are the ones with better chance but the drop rate of this weapon seems a bit too low for a rare enemy like torr (1/205). I know too that this wep has 12 stars and all but have you guys ever found it with success offline? How many torrs?
    i know that the hp in ultimate sucks but in every other dificlty its pretty sweet.

  3. #3


    I can't really say that it's worth looking for. Sure, you'd get crazy bragging rights because you found one of the most sought after weapons in the game, but it is rendered obsolete in Ultimate because its special isn't strong enough on a RA (MST based, go figure) and there are weapons with more range and power to use in place of its regular attacks.

  4. #4


    Ok, but hu... should I go bluefull torrs or yellowboze crimsons? Maybe I'll be more lucky with my yellowboze coz there are a lot of crimsons at caves rather than pipping for a single torr in the forest even beeing the torr drop rate better. What do you think?

  5. #5
    God of all creation
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Word of advice.
    Dont waste your time there are far better gunns out there than that.I was given a heavenly punisher and even tohugh it was hacked it was still crap.If i ever see you online you can have it.

  6. #6


    On 2004-04-29 06:31, Aztec_Mystic wrote:
    Ok, but hu... should I go bluefull torrs or yellowboze crimsons? Maybe I'll be more lucky with my yellowboze coz there are a lot of crimsons at caves rather than pipping for a single torr in the forest even beeing the torr drop rate better. What do you think?
    The time piping for a torr can sometimes take ages.
    If you do find one the chances to get a HP are still very small (too small Id say for the time you did put into the piping progress)

    You'd better off hunting it while leveling (better than the boresome piping), and if you're very lucky, like I was (purp- west tower- mericarol) it might eventually drop one day

  7. #7


    Its a bragging right weopon. if your gonna pipe anything pipe the Psy Wand its worth the 205 mil lilys to have that beut.

  8. #8


    Well I wasn't that serious about looking for a HP coz I know it is really hard to find, but you know this weapon brings me lots of memories from the times I played with it and I see myself heaven punisher as the best ranger weapon in the game. I know there are "better" weps but don't ask me why, I think that heaven punisher will always be the mythical heaven punisher. I guess I'll go yellowboze to not get bothered whenever I think to look for a HP.
    Thx for the advices you are always of good help

  9. #9


    I'm in the same situation, except I want a P Wand (Purplenum Mil). Whenever I don't know what to do when I play, or when I get tired of doing runs of specific quests/areas, I will get on my Purplenum RA, boot up Waterfall Tears and pipe a Mil. I have seen around 12, and no P Wand yet. Whenever it does drop, I will be happy, because it won't seem like I spent much time searching for it, because I only pipe 1 X or 2 X a week. But it's easier piping Mils, because the most Hildelts you can get in a room is 4.

  10. #10
    Playing Offline GC PSO :)
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Coventry, England


    With a name like "Heavens Punisher" you would think it would be better than what it is. I mean why can't God come from the heavens and lay judgement on the sinful deeds that the enemies perform, then rip the planet ragol in 2 pieces and destroy the universe. Now that would be a special.

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