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  1. #1


    What you should do:

    • Don't beg for hacked items
    • Stay away from Vega
    • Dupe for backup
    • Get a Keyboard
    • Be useful in your team, and not a "leech" unless the team says it is ok
    • Know your role, and if you prefer to play differently than is expected of your character, tell your team beforehand
    • Try to use Broadband if possible
    • Stay away from AOL
    • Don't use a Wavebird or other wireless controller for typing anything
    • Don't be an idiot/@$$
    • Play with trusted people
    • Stay away from crowded ships if possible, only choice search into one if you don't mind a possible corruption
    • Don't be a whiny legit/hacker/duper/etc.
    • Don't join games if you aren't wanted
    • Act your best around people from another region (people with an "E" above their head aren't liked to much)
    • Don't go up to people and say that you corrupted and want items
    • Don't go into games saying give me weapons or armor when you are lvl 100

    Topic. Post your suggestions, and I'll update the first post frequently.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zinger314 on 2004-05-06 16:34 ]</font>

  2. #2


    Please don't beg for hacked items or anything for that matter!

  3. #3


    Stay away from Vega
    Dupe for backup
    Get a Keyboard
    Be useful in your team, and not a "leech" unless the team says it is ok
    Know your role, and if you prefer to play differently than is expected of your character, tell your team beforehand
    Try to use Broadband if possible
    Stay away from AOHell
    Don't use a Wavebird or other wireless controller for typing anything
    Don't be an idiot/@$$, if someone calls an item, let them have it anything else could/should be up for a game of Rock/Paper/Sciscers if people are disputing over it (save them to symbol chat, I suggest), other people may play a game with Meseta (that I don't understand yet, and haven't seen)
    Play with trusted people
    Stay away from crowded ships if possible, only choice search into one if you don't mind a possible corruption
    Don't be a whiny legit/hacker/duper/etc.
    Don't join games if you aren't wanted
    Act your best around people from another region (people with an "E" above their head aren't liked to much)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2004-05-06 16:27 ]</font>

  4. #4


    Don't go up to people and say that you corrupted and want items. And also don't go into games saying give me weapons or armor when you are lvl 100

  5. #5
    Still the Ratimaster Nai_Calus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    VR Temple Beta, watching the sun set


    Considering that you can't use AOL to get on PSO outside of fancy tricks with AOL broadband that may or may not work, I'd say avoiding AOL is not an issue.

    PSUJP: Nai Calus, M. B. 176 FI 20 | Elly, F. N. 42 FT 5 Requiescat in pace.

  6. #6
    Wolf Master Raghar of the Warriors of Fenrir
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    don't spam or join a room and ask to play TTF as soon as you join ... and if you do at least stay in the game for a little while if they say no...

    don't be a EXP/kill hog

  7. #7


    Stay awya from vega? It's crowded and better.

  8. #8


    On 2004-05-06 17:03, Aunt_Betty wrote:
    Stay awya from vega? It's crowded and better.
    Its crowded with ALL non legit characters, making it near impossible to fulfill the rest of the criteria.

  9. #9
    President of Mexicokagulphia
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    On 2004-05-06 17:16, lain2k3 wrote:
    On 2004-05-06 17:03, Aunt_Betty wrote:
    Stay awya from vega? It's crowded and better.
    Its crowded with ALL non legit characters, making it near impossible to fulfill the rest of the criteria.
    I've seen plenty of legit players on vega >.> Never use ALL when talking about those types of things. Sometimes you can't find a team anywhere else,vega isn't that bad. There are just better places.
    Anyway don't join a team and a) steal all the kills , b) use an exp steal weapon when you aren't that good and hit extremely low damage, c) randomly insult the current people on the team, d)spam something, e) demand an item someone has and they aren't trading, f) insult people for not being legit or not being that good, g) expect forces or any other player with techs to emediantly s/d and resta you, or h) only want to do ttf when there is a low level character(they get hurt alot) or no one else wants to the quest

  10. #10


    I've never seen a legit player on vega.


    I dont go there often, for this reason.

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