Art- any form of art, culinary, musical, painting, literat, acting etc.

Sports- physical activities, football, base/softball, tennis, etc.

Math&Science- basically what it is, though it can be seperated, since calculating money is not exactly scientific (unless there is formulae, in which you need calculus to prove and hence that could be the science of math or whatever)

Any way, highschool is coming on (for me an many others) and I'm very confused on which directions to take. I know that what I take in high-school will/can effect where I go for college and hence my job. The problem is, I'm sort of torn between two categories.

I enjoy art, of many varieties, cooking, writing, drawing, but my skill are more toward science (physical/chemistry) and math, and while I like science, I detest math, but math is almost always used in science. So basically I'm torn between things in which to proceed with, and it constantly troubles me with indecision.

What are your thoughts? Any one torn between others (that's why I put sport's in there)?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sord on 2004-05-25 18:29 ]</font>