I'll have you all know. I hate math with a fiery passion. I failed it last semester, so I'm doing Grade 11 College math, cause me and math just don't fit. And it's only been the first month, and I'm already failing

And it's no wonder too >_>

So, my teacher has assigned us homework, so I'm doing it. For once, we get easy math homework. Question 1-7 goes something like this

"A car costs $17 990. How much will it cost, including 15% taxes?" This must be back in Grade 4 math. This is easy stuff.

Then I get to question 8, and my teacher yells at me for questioning it's relevance to math. Maybe someone here on PSOW can aid me, cause, well, I'm stumped.

"Alex and Christina have two children and are expecting another. They live in the city, but travel to their family cottage most weekends during the summer. They will need a new vehicle once the baby has arrived. What kind of vehicle do you think they need? Explain your reasoning."


Well, if x=8 and y=-7.465, then the answer will be... wait a second, what's the question? This sounds like a question I'd have been asked in my driving class course (And even then, it'd be mostly irrelevant), what's it doing in my math?

I dunno what answer they want... 5 can fit in a car last I checked, unless they're all overly fat, in which case they'd get some van It's not even the fact that it's a hard question, just the sheer... lack of math.

There's 2 questions next to it that are very similiar. Something about the deciding factors for buying tires. Oh, I dunno, if they don't suck? That'd be a nice start.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PJ on 2006-10-03 14:27 ]</font>