Ragol Memorial Festa rewards
* The remaining rewards earned during the Ragol Memorial Festa will be implemented. These will run from February 10 through February 24, and include the following:
- Megaholy fortune for all races
- Weapon/line shield synth rates +20%
- Weapon grinding success rates +10%
- Daily stamp allowance x3

* G. Colony Drop Boost 3rd will run from February 10 through March 3, and includes the following missions:
- Dark Satellite
- SEED Awakened
- Mechanical Ghosts

New free mission
* Mechanical Ghosts C-S3 (Dallgun Viewing Plaza to Clyez City)
- Reports are coming in of old machinery mysteriously reactivating in the closed off areas of the Linear Line. Investigate the situation and destroy the machines!

Mission adjustments
* Dark Satellite and SEED Awakened C-S2 will be updated to AOTI standards. Difficulty S3 will also be updated for both missions.
* New exchange items will be added to Special Exchange 3rd.

System updates
* Shuttle NPCs will be added to the following locations:
- Supervisor's Office
- kesla-vasla
- GRM Shop
- Yohmei Shop
* Dilnazen will receive one new AOTI special drop.

Item updates
* New weapons will be added, including Twin Diledge (twin saber) and Kamade-hiken (slicer).
* Casino rotation.