Look, this is probably something that should have been posted earlier than Election Day, but seriously: if you are a registered voter and are capable of getting to your voting station, go out and vote.

(Obviously, for our friends outside of the US, please save this thread for a later date and read it after updating all the relevant terms.)

Even if you think that your vote doesn't count, go out and vote.

You think your vote doesn't count in the presidential election? Then go vote for the local elections happening today. Your vote absolutely matters in that case. On average, only 50% of voters turned out for the last couple presidential elections. That is not a large number! If everybody who didn't vote last time decided to vote this time, that could radically change the outcome of the election.

Do you claim that you don't care about politics? Start caring, and go out and vote. These elections directly affect what you can and cannot do in this country, how much money you have in your pocket, and many other important issues. Go out and vote.

Did you just get your fancy Halo 4 and you think you're too busy? Turn off the game. Go out and vote.

Are you stuck far away from a polling station and have no way of getting there? Go online and check for help lines - there are sometimes shuttle buses that will pick up voters and bring them home.

(Are you not a registered voter but of legal voting age? Go out to the station anyway and ask if you can do an affidavit vote. They might turn you away, but oftentimes they'll get approval from a judge to let you vote.)

I don't care who you're voting for. I would rather you cancel out my vote than not vote at all. Even if you go and do a write-in vote for 'Mickey Mouse' or 'Ethan Waber' or whoever, you should go out and vote. At the very least, you'll make it a habit of voting so that when there's an election you care about you'll be more likely to participate.

I'm serious here, folks: voting is one of the most important things you can do. It's the right thing to do and it's also your right as a citizen. Go out and vote.

And then you can come back to the forums and we can go back to our regularly-scheduled madness.