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  1. #1
    I read it on PSOW, so it must be true
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Head Office of Kecleon Inc


    I'll have you all know. I hate math with a fiery passion. I failed it last semester, so I'm doing Grade 11 College math, cause me and math just don't fit. And it's only been the first month, and I'm already failing

    And it's no wonder too >_>

    So, my teacher has assigned us homework, so I'm doing it. For once, we get easy math homework. Question 1-7 goes something like this

    "A car costs $17 990. How much will it cost, including 15% taxes?" This must be back in Grade 4 math. This is easy stuff.

    Then I get to question 8, and my teacher yells at me for questioning it's relevance to math. Maybe someone here on PSOW can aid me, cause, well, I'm stumped.

    "Alex and Christina have two children and are expecting another. They live in the city, but travel to their family cottage most weekends during the summer. They will need a new vehicle once the baby has arrived. What kind of vehicle do you think they need? Explain your reasoning."


    Well, if x=8 and y=-7.465, then the answer will be... wait a second, what's the question? This sounds like a question I'd have been asked in my driving class course (And even then, it'd be mostly irrelevant), what's it doing in my math?

    I dunno what answer they want... 5 can fit in a car last I checked, unless they're all overly fat, in which case they'd get some van It's not even the fact that it's a hard question, just the sheer... lack of math.

    There's 2 questions next to it that are very similiar. Something about the deciding factors for buying tires. Oh, I dunno, if they don't suck? That'd be a nice start.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PJ on 2006-10-03 14:27 ]</font>

  2. #2
    Hungry Hungry Hippo
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kingdom of the Worm


    Is this math class or adult living?
    Maybe your math book is telling you to get pregnant.
    Maybe babies are car companies ways to get you to buy their cars.


  3. #3


    Think about this, if they're expecting a kid, and already have 2, that makes a grand total of 5 people.

    So they'd need a car with (at least) 5 seats. (unless you count Baby Seats! D: )

    The way I see it, it's asking you to calculate the most suitable vehicle by means of the number of people needed.

    In that light, I guess it could be Maths related, but it is a rather poor attempt at a Maths question.

    Welcome to education I guess, you learn a lot of useful stuff, but a whole boatload of pointless crap too. (I mean, unless you want to be in a heavily science/Maths related career, do you really need Algebra, or Simultaneous Equations, or Trigonometry?)

    Look on the bright side, if they give you easy questions, it's easy marks.

    HUnewearl power since 2003. NGS Official Creator (SectionSkyly)

  4. #4


    On 2006-10-03 14:35, UrikoBB3 wrote:
    (I mean, unless you want to be in a heavily science/Maths related career, do you really need Algebra, or Simultaneous Equations, or Trigonometry?)
    But, umm, that is one strange math problem. Based on the information given, I would recommend the family buy a Hummer (preferably yellow).

  5. #5
    Down for the Getdown
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    Dec 2005
    The 36 Chambers


    But then you gotta factor in gas mileage and with the price-o-gas these days that'd be kind of a strain on a family of 5. So they'd need a mini-van or something thats family friendly with good miles to the gallon. And thats where SOME sort of math comes in...I guess.

  6. #6


    math isnt only about numbers and variables, its also about logic. this is probably how that question related to math

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kecleon Inc


    On 2006-10-03 20:09, viashino_bey wrote:
    math isnt only about numbers and variables
    Uh...Yes it is.

    Math is 2+2=4, it isn't logical thinking. Math is always set it stone.

  8. #8


    Tell that to LOGIC in Geometry

    and PROBABILITY and Stat

    "It looks cool this way, let's stop."

  9. #9


    I'm going to have to go with viashino here. Math actually can require quite a bit of creative, logical thinking and reasoning--at least at higher levels or when dealing with more complicated problems. For a straightforward example of how math requires logical thinking, consider proofs, algebraic, geometric, or otherwise.
    Anyway, I am going to revise my assessment of the vehicle situation in light of Dizzy's post: they need a tandem bike (for the parents) and three ropes (for dragging the kids).

  10. #10


    All I know is that calculus sucks hardcore. And it only gets worse - I'm told that next year, I get to do the exact same things in three dimensions!

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