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  1. #21


    Is it really that hard to pay attention to the road?
    How about keeping your Camry on the proper side of the road and not coming at me head on? If I go any farther to my right, I'll be wrapped around a tree, you have plenty of space to go to your right.
    Come on people, you are supposed to be in control of objects that weigh over one ton* and is moving anywhere from 0 to 90mph.

    *US ton. I don't see enough Lotus, Ariels, etc to include them.

  2. #22


    I know drivers that straddle both lanes of traffic just so they can show off their car.

    And drive in second gear so they're only going at the very most, 15mph (around 25kmh..?) on a fairly busy road.

    Ooooh, some drivers really make you go cRaZy..!

  3. #23


    Dear everyone:
    Do we really need cameras in every little bit of technology? Can you make them optional please? What the hell does a MP3 player need a camera for? How about having some phones without cameras built in, especially of the smartphone type*?

    *- Some buildings have banned camera phones, but do not restrict noncamera phones.

  4. #24


    ^ I like and wholly agree with this one. At one point long ago a phone was something you used to call other people with. That was around the same time that a phone rang with a ringer instead of a ringtone.
    Getting bored of the typical MMO, enjoying muddling through moonspeak on PSO2.

  5. #25


    Dear FBI: Running spell check on your website might be a good idea. Or at least having someone else read it. Also be sure to make sure links work.

    Another one to everyone: Again, please use the sidewalk when possible, especially after dark. And dark clothing, after dark, riding a dark bike, is a great idea, if you want to get a Darwin Award.

    Dear Facebook: Why did you suggest me to friend someone who has 1 friend, and I have no idea who either of them are?
    Last edited by Ketchup345; Sep 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM.

  6. #26


    Someone jerk essentially had half of his SUV in my lane when I was driving home. I almost hit him though.

    Great that it didn't happen but I probably would've lost my permit because of it.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Ketchup345 View Post
    To drivers: Turn on your lights. State law says lights must be on when its raining/windshield wipers on. It takes a second to turn them on. Use your turn signals. every car I've seen has them. Check your brake lights every now and then, PLEASE. Having just the CHMSL working on a work van is near useless. Use the left passing lane for passing (there is only one left exit around here). If you are getting passed on the right, you need to move to a lane on the right (it is nice to see some states are now giving tickets for driving in left lane without passing). And pass quickly, do not take your time.
    For a minute there I thought I was reading the DMV driver handbook again.

    About manual transmissions: It may be more "fun" to manually shift gears when you're in light traffic but it's a big PAIN when you're sitting on a clogged highway and have to switch gears back and forth to start and stop your car every 3 feet. Doing that for 20 miles in both directions on a regular basis would have killed me (on the inside), so I got an automatic and never looked back.

    Sig art by Aussei ^_^

  8. #28


    Another: Are people ever actually able to answer the question that was asked to them outside of school? I sent a message to Amazon about the display of my credits for the MP3 store being wrong (shows I have $5 more credits than I actually do), and get a reply back that only says how much I have, not how to fix the display problem. Edit: Though this could be due to the outsourcing...

    Another about bikers in the road: If you are going to be in the road and not the COMPLETELY OPEN double-wide sidewalk, stay to the side, don't swerve right in front of me into the middle of the road then back to the side then back to middle, etc, etc. Maybe he was riding under the influence?
    Last edited by Ketchup345; Sep 23, 2009 at 10:57 PM.

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