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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by TenebriS View Post
    It will take you some time to get new hairstyles or clothes.
    so if you wanted clothes

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  2. #22


    Its not all that bad. The PA's for the bow lovers are really nice. Especially the Ultimate that stuns!

    Masei-sou. They really made it a usable PA now. I mean they got rid of it being ultra slow, being half the distance of the other shots, while increasing its damage greatly and giving it up to lvl 5 stun at lvl 41. One other effect I have found is that the shot knocks down enemies much like the rifle, but at lvl 1 it is doing this. The accuracy still isnt the best but everything else about this shot I really like alot. Im thinking it is going to be my main shot, even though I do have all the other ones at lvl 40. I mean it stuns quite a bit and if it is not stunning it knocks enemies back or down.

    Bow's are still not as fast as rifles but they are improved in a couple ways now, noticble to those few that actually used bows quite a bit. I still say though, for WT and FT to just get the ultimate with increased damage and accuracy and save the PA space for techs and other PA's, unless you absolutly just love the bow. Its deffinetly a great weapon for any PT and GT though and both classes should utilize this fabalous weapon. For GT's I would just get all the shots. PT's who love bows should get all the shots, but if you are more into melee, I would just get both Ultimates. One for SE stun and the other for the range and the increased damage which should make it hit near as hard as the elemental ones once its lvled.

  3. #23


    The main problem is, that many of the players here thought Sega would release all the new stuff in the GAC, but in fact, this doesn't change the fact, that the XBOX Servers are about 18 months behind the Japanese ones. So the waiting time for new items and other stuff will still be long. Expecting Sega giving all the stuff at once is a mistake and if you take a look on the PSUP Site of the GAC you see what is coming and what not. Basically you got GAS and the changes on PAs and such stuff. I wonder why there is no "Paradi Nerf" thread right now, where people are whining about, how bad the paradi cataract is now

    Main Characters:
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  4. #24


    Hey well after I posted this I calmed down about the hair cause I actualy did the

  5. #25


    You are wrong... just that it came out doesnt mean theres nothing there... sure theres not much now, BUT remember that SEGA doesnt always release everything on time... (everyone knows this) there was a quote on the official PSU forums that there is a series of 8 updates that release different stuff... we may not get everything tht the JP servers have, but we should get at least a good 81% of it and that my good people is a good thing... so just be patient...

  6. #26


    And yes there will be new clothing, new facial / hair styles in the near future... of course new weapons, a few new missions, a couple events on the horizon, some that are restriction events... > we only got 10% of the WHOLE update on the 20th. so like i said just be patient... while we wait try and get a beefslayer or the new SUV's theyre fun

  7. #27


    i agree with you there... but however PSUP does not show the new features of new clothing, or hair / facial features that some other sites do... so dont rely on it as a source...

  8. #28


    This is true!
    Now people were saying that the fighters would be greatley disapointed after the udpate... this is not true, i am greatful that this happend cuz my human fighmaster has gotten a whole lot stronger. They raised the attack of gravity break's 2nd and third move by a whopping 1000
    they did change dus majarra's 2nd attack to be lower, but its still not that bad! u dont hit as much but u still do work! they did sadly change the mobility of tornado dance BUT theres an upside to ppl who use this as an attack instead of a transport, they have increased the power! but the good thing is that you can stil turn with it, you still go pretty far, but you dont move as fast... fighmaster or not.
    Another thing is that now they changed anga jabroga... yes the almighty axe move...
    SEGA made it so that this move is no longer a "guaranteed" hit move, it is now based on the users Accuracy, so beasts your out of luck... might as well make a human fighter, or a cast fighter. Prefurably a human though. but other than those moves the rest of the striking PA's are better than before, however a small amount is unchanged.

  9. #29


    yes things do drop during this event, however this event has not yet been comfirmed on the U.S/U.K 360 servers yet. also as i was saying before about anga jabroga it deoends o your accuracy now( ATA ) so beasts... better start getting used to the old anga redda / anga dugrega.

  10. #30


    wow i posted alot today in a short amount of time! lmao

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