As it stands, of course PSO's maps will seem better to us, because there was this fantastic first time where you discovered the area, with a design thought for a player to complete(not to mention a boss that's likely to kick your ass but that's another issue); that just doesn't exist in PSO2.

Really though, after the 500th run through, it does even up quite a bit. There may be a reason most of us remember PSO 1 more fondly while we may actually have played PSO 2 more at this point.

Now I'm not saying I disliked PSO's map generation system that much, but it's nice to have the possibility to get into an area without instantly recognizing the layout after the first two rooms, leading you to know absolutely everything that's ahead of you.
Also I really like the beach and sanctum, so even design wise it's not so bad right now.

tl;dr:I'm okay with it.