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  1. #1


    Im not sure if i got their names right but i think you guys know what i mean.

    I was thinking when i first made my Ramar i was looking foward to alot of guns then i realized all i used was c bringers spread and holy ray and some sabers. And ten i made my humar...which can use spread and holy ray and all hand to hand weapons.

    Now im about to make my andriod, now honestly which is btter for me?
    Thanx guys peace

  2. #2


    all right the great sephiroth has to step in HUcast shut-up RAcast is the best simply because i use my sabers and double saber all the time then when times get rough i use a high power rifle to blast away my foes RAcast is a nutrual person simply the best.

    no if's,and's,or but's.
    stupid HUcast

  3. #3
    Wielder of Divine Might
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Angelus Manor: Library


    I like both, but if I had to choose between the two, I'd pick HUcast. One reason, power! At level 100, HUcasts are almost 50% more powerful. I have a Lv. 39 Hucast that I just started. I have no problem with the Dark gunners. I just switch a handgun and hit the Death Gunner. After their defences are down, I hit them once or twice. Then they die. If They couldn't use handguns, my attitude would be different. But they can. The highest level RAcast with the most powerful gun stands no chance of overtaking the HUcasts massive power.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Davion on 2002-06-18 12:41 ]</font>

  4. #4
    Aussie RAcast Battler
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Dublin, Ireland


    I'll have a go at making it simple. [Note - I'm reffering to v2. If you're thinking v1 - pick a HUmar or HUnewearl. Same ATP as HUcast, with same magic as FO. Hehe. Unless you really like Spreads, only Spreads.]

    The RAnger class does not really come into its own in PSO. I sincerely hope, and doubt, Sonic Team will address this in GC PSO.

    Why you'd pick a class depends on how you'll play. Which is decided by the class stats, exclusive weapons, and looks.

    "RAngers can use guns". There's their big claim to fame.
    Problem is, HUnters also use guns. The only difference being that rangers have more ATA, so can use a gun (1.) earlier, and (2.) more accurately.
    So how does this pan out...
    1. Despite having to wait longer to be able to equip gun X, hunters will fire it stronger than a ranger will fire gun X+1.
    Eg, handgun on a HUcast, vs autogun on a RAcast. Sad, but true.
    2. Accuracy the rangers do have. But, similar to point 1, a HU will fire gun X's NORMAL attack, as strong as a RA will fire that gun's HEAVY attack. Just the RA takes longer to do this, and are already at the gun's limit. So when it comes to facing the enemies, the higher accuracy still isn't helping.

    On the flip-side, a RAcast has less ATP and EVP than the HUcast. (They do have decent ATP yes, but if you're here for ATP make a hunter). They have 5, yes 5 more DFP, and about 200 more HP. Even this oh-so-amazing DFP and HP has a drawback. RAngers were REALLY shoddy in v1, so these nice defensive stats do not start to develop until level 100. PSO will wait until then before it starts boosting your RAcast's HP to catch up with a HUcast's. The result? A maxed RAcast can not overtake a HUcast's HP until level 162. That's right.. a good 30 million exp. At that point you have (*tries to remember*) 1722 HP. Just in time for when you most need it too. [/sarcasm] A RAcast by then would have been able to survive even a D Bringer's gunfire online, a good 20 levels earlier. A HUcast - even sooner than that. And if you think by that time your slightly better HP is going to handle a HUcast's ATP in battle.. oh boy..
    If you want ATP, go HUcast. They are insanely powerful.

    So that's the stats covered. You have ATA, nothing else, and if when it comes to powerplay, its not going to help.


    People are saying how the classes play differently. Its not because Rangers excel with guns compared to the other classes.. its because they excel with guns compared to anything else they've got.

    RA sit back and use guns because they have to. Sure they can go in there and fight like a hunter, - a nice-level RAcast who's managed to shrug off the v1 stat-drainage (say about level 125+) can take just as good a whack as well, - but they are simply weaker for that kind of play. If you enjoyed fighting like that, you'd pick a hunter.
    A Ranger gets only rifles, and spreads. A rifle's range over a handgun is less than you'd think. Its just another gun. Spreads are quite enjoyable for some. Shame they fail to exist in v2. Yep, get an S rank spread, cos you won't be able to find a v2 spread weapon. Oh wait, get S rank needle instead.. same effect, but faster, stronger, and woops.. hunters can use them too.

    HU take up the fight full on because they CAN, and want to. They're strong up close, BUT if they want to use a mechgun they will, and will be alot better than a ranger at using it, damage-wise. Hunters have the options of using daggers, partisans and swords, so when it comes to fighting style, they're up close 'cos they have the choice to be wherever they want. HUnters excel (compared to the classes) at using all types of weapons, not just HU weapons.

    So... a ranger has spreads.
    That don't exist.

    So we're left with looks.
    When it comes to style, and recognition, RAcast own. Period. =) HUcast look pretty boring.

    One important thing to mention however, that could sway the argument, is version 2, and the transition to Ult weapons. In version 2, a RAnger DID have a place in the spotlight however. RAngers could take advantage of the huge range of v1 weaps that v2 was sorely lacking, and comfortably use their specials. Charge Sawcer 45%, got me 2004 damage in Ult Forest. I could do 1900+ criticals, land special attacks reliably every combo. HUcast can't play that game. VISE... I would use in Caves, with people laughing at my HP flying down all the time, simply 'cos I was able to do this.
    Chain Sawd.. absolutely owned everywhere. MANY v1 weapons were far stronger than their S RANK (yes S rank) counterpart once you got one with some % on it. HUcast would have to find one with hit% as well. That was one thing a really enjoyed.. taking a v1 weap off someone and acting all like "What? I can't see anything wrong with it." *fires off a combo with freeze special*

    For THAT little niche, RAcast were the best (well RAcaseal with 8 more ATA). Not only did they get a bundle of special attributes that v2 weapons were missing, but good % were never hard to find.. usually right in the shop. I have a Chain Sawd and Riot Sawcer, for Ult Ruins.
    OH and my Angry Fist lol... 30% A.Beast, 0% hit. Hahaha.. I stomp around Caves with bare hands, and everyone is just going WHAT THE?!!11?

    Stats. Don't compete with HUcast, AT ALL, but if you want the ATA game, with v1 weaps, you might be interested.

    Weapon choice. Complete and utter toss. 1 different gun that other classes didn't get... a gun that failed to show up inv2, yet had a convenient, more powerful substitute that hunters could use.

    Looks. Shag me baby!

    My main character is a RAcast. Kaloo, he's level 167. He's cool, he's strong compared to HUnnies (I only play online), and doesn't have a chance in reset-level melee battles (remember - the v1 RAcast stats are gobsmackingly bad). I spend most of my time in rule 4, where I play carefully, or rules 1 and 5, where my team mate's support and my brute defence makes for some great battles.

    RAcast, once levelled high, are quite good. For fighting, HUcast are better. Much better.
    For style, and the ability to turn any v1 weapon into a thing of beauty, RAcast are da bom.

    Do HUcast even have style at all?

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Defend on 2002-06-18 16:52 ]</font>

  5. #5
    Aussie RAcast Battler
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Dublin, Ireland


    Oh, and this will all probably change in v2 hehe.

    The distinction was already low.. now without the v1-weaps-in-Ult thing being so noticable.. what will Rangers have to set them apart??

    The RA class should have features like fast recovery with guns.. or all guns fire with God Battle speed.
    All guns have rifle range, mechs have handgun range.
    Weapon special's are much more accurate than for hunters.

    Things like that, that say "qualified gun user here", is what PSO should have.

  6. #6


    Droids in general should have more special abilities to make up for having no techs....

  7. #7


    Whoever said HUnewearls have more DFP and EVP, you're WRONG! Matter of fact, HUnewearls get DFP which is LOWER than a FOnewms. How this happened, I dunno..

    And screw RAcasts/HUcasts. RAcaseal, ohyesgood. n_n

  8. #8


    i think HUcast i have one so i think u should get a hucast.

  9. #9
    Aussie RAcast Battler
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Dublin, Ireland


    The only tech droids couldn't already make up for was jellen and zalure.

    They were fine imo.

    LoL maybe they were thinking of V1 Hunnies. They were good in v1.. now they're utterly owned.. even RAcaseal has all higher stats than a HUnny.

  10. #10


    I neer did like any rangers or androids. But I haven't been able to ever play version 2 online, so I never got to see how they performed online.

    I still prefer a HUmar over any other class.

    ProTip: To damage your credibility, simply call any of the Phantasy Star games "massively-multiplayer."

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