• Desert Arms Trade-Ins Fixed

    In a recent Desert Arms mission updates, several bugged item trade-ins were added. The items obtained through these trade-ins had fixed percentages and elements. These bugged trade-ins were fixed during July 9th's maintenance period. Players will now receive random attributes on these trade-ins.

    Update: People that were affected by the trade-in bug will have the option to sell the item and receive the original materials in their common box in a future update.

    Comments 2 Comments
    1. DieannaKill's Avatar
      DieannaKill -
      I like my Fixed percentages ;P not too greedy about weapon % but if i did sell and get my materials back maybe i'd end up geting worse percentages lol
    1. silva9's Avatar
      silva9 -
      not entirely sure why every one was upset about the fixed wepons. Hell I traded for a gol vahra caw before findind out it was fixed, still 40% is a great %, if I only liked that particular twin claws. You know that everyone is after 40% + now a days so don't see why people were complaining. Even the 32% light crea doubles is a good one a lot better then getting one like 12% lol. Fixed % would be nice if it was all elements not just one so I guess that is one thing bad about em.
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