Section ID FAQ

What is a section ID?
A sectionID is a symbol that denotes which 'house' you are in. This is determined when you create your character and by your characters name. Certain houses may find, or be able to purchase items that other 'houses' can not. Section ID's also determine which Tekker you have. For example, a Yellowboze starts a game online, his Tekker will appear, and everyone else who joins that game will have the same Tekker, whereas if a Whitill created a game, it would be a different Tekker. Tekkers are all different in how they identify items.
How is a section ID figured?

Simply, each character (even spaces) in your name is assigned a predefined number. These numbers added together, and the last number in the sum is your resulting sectionID. Look below for an example.

Will you show me an example?

Yes, let's take a simple name: PSO

P = 0
S = 3
O = 9

0 + 3 + 9 = 12

The last number in the sum is 2 which is the sectionID Skyly

How can I figure out what my sectionID will be?

You can either use our handy SectionID calculator or read the many guides in Section ID Guides.

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox

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