View Full Version : An Argh fit for a pirate, an apology, and a big disappointme

Feb 27, 2001, 06:41 PM

After getting 3 BSOD's in 2 days im thinking that sega is doing everything within their power of keeping me from getting to level 100. At least with this third one, I have the last laugh cause I didn't have anything important in my inventory! So HAHA!

I'm sorry Danger, War, and that cool dude that cracked my lameoid password, can't remember your name(sorry)(When you're up for 60 hours straight you too will have the short term memory of a pothead.). I'm soo sorry, but my 3rd BSOD is what caused me to bail on you guys this morning!

Now for my dissapointment. After beating falz's ass into the face-full ground I have been treated to pre-shot images of my RAcast with my awsome aparas, lame and oblib(backwards)-like kama, and my helpful varahara, I thought, hey, lets see me using weapons I've never used before(Machine guns and my class don't mix well...) kicking the snot outta everything with my brand spanking new lvl 200 Soniti. Boy was I pissed when, low and behold, the credits showed a black RAcast, MAGLESS!!! Anyways I'm really disapointed about that too.

Now back to schoolwwerk!

Feb 27, 2001, 06:48 PM
Hey man, no biggy. I figured you crashed because I saw you standing there with your rifle just pointed at the wall, and you just stayed like that hehe. Sorry about the crash though man =(

Feb 27, 2001, 06:50 PM
thx for understanding... big boo for sega on the bsod bug!!!