View Full Version : Nidria question (Please help MAG experts)

May 20, 2009, 12:27 PM
Ok, so this guide says:


"Step Five

Now you should alternate between monomates (increase power, decrease def) and sol atomizers (increase power, increase def) until power equals 49.

Step Six

Your now at the final step. Give the Kaitabha to a Virdia, Blueful, Redria, or Whitill FOmar and feed the mag the last monomate or sol atomizer and you should have a Nidra with the stats (5/45/50/0)."

Does it mean power equals 44? And then give it the last monomate/sol to hit level 45? Otherwise it doesn't make sense, and I believe it is DEF + POW = DEX + MIND?

Also, after I give the mag over to the Fomar to make it the Nidria, can I then give it back to my Ranger, or must I feed it the rest of the way with the Fomar, so it doesnt evolve into something else?

If someone could answer both questions, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance.

RAcast Extremist
May 20, 2009, 03:51 PM
I think it means when power and def equal 49 together.

When it changes into a Nidra you can give it to your ranger. I will not evolve when it changes into a rare mag.

May 20, 2009, 04:23 PM
Ok, so this guide says:


"Step Five

Now you should alternate between monomates (increase power, decrease def) and sol atomizers (increase power, increase def) until power equals 49.

Step Six

Your now at the final step. Give the Kaitabha to a Virdia, Blueful, Redria, or Whitill FOmar and feed the mag the last monomate or sol atomizer and you should have a Nidra with the stats (5/45/50/0)."

Does it mean power equals 44? And then give it the last monomate/sol to hit level 45? Otherwise it doesn't make sense, and I believe it is DEF + POW = DEX + MIND?

Also, after I give the mag over to the Fomar to make it the Nidria, can I then give it back to my Ranger, or must I feed it the rest of the way with the Fomar, so it doesnt evolve into something else?

If someone could answer both questions, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance.

Yes, that should be 44. And once it turns into the Nidra, it won't change again unless you end up with another set of stats that fulfills the STAT1 + STAT2 = STAT3 + STAT4 combination that your other char needs to make a rare mag (unlikely)

May 20, 2009, 08:08 PM
The stats your MAG needs (according to that guide) to have is 5/44/50/0 by the time it hits LV99. Once it hits LV99, just feed it until it's one feed away from a level gain, transfer the MAG over, and have the new character do the last feed on it to push it up to 100.

May 20, 2009, 11:44 PM

Thanks a lot guys.

May 20, 2009, 11:56 PM
Sorry for the double post, but this guy on GameFAQS swears that the Nidra will evolve to something else once I give it to my Ranger?


May 21, 2009, 01:15 AM
If it's just a common MAG, then yes it will evolve into something else (depending on the stat setup and class), but no, rare MAGs are dead set when you get them ;)

Remember, GameFAQs doesn't exactly have the brightest bunch of bananas there...

May 21, 2009, 11:29 AM
unless you end up with another set of stats that fulfills the STAT1 + STAT2 = STAT3 + STAT4 combination that your other char needs to make a rare mag (unlikely)Even then, nothing will happen once you have the Nidra. Otherwise you'd have to be careful when switching from one character to another.