View Full Version : Helpers In Item Hunt: Agito (Real)/ Spirit Garment

Feb 21, 2003, 04:20 PM
I am looking for a in need of help in Find a
Agito (1975 model) in Caves from a Mil lilly on a Whitill ID (my ID)
or Possibly:
Viridia: Ultimate:Forest Tollaw
Pinkal: Ultimate:Forest Pal Rappy
and also if anyone can tell me if a FOmar can use this model, as he can use all the other models it just sorta makes sense, plus he can use the Final form of the Real Agito

Also i'm looking for a Spirit Garment in these ID's and Locations

Purplenum: Vhard:Temple So Dimenian
Ultimate:Temple Del D
Pinkal: Vhard:Seabed Dolmdari
Vhard:Seabed Dolmolm
Redria: Vhard:Mountain Gibbles
Yellowboze: Vhard:Mountain Gibbles
Ultimate:Gal Da Val Islands Zol Gibbon
Whitill: Vhard:Seabed Deldepth
Ultimate:Seabed Dolmolm

i'm looking for a Trust worthy Party so please only post if you have info or would like to give your Help. don't plan on stealing from me. it's just not right. in return i can offer my help on gettign you a"Rare of Your Dreams"
please help.

Feb 21, 2003, 04:33 PM
Ah Yes.
i will have a room open around 1:00 pm Georgia Time incase soemthing comes up and i'm unable to check PSOW for replies (it always does)
thank you the team will be Agito in Vega block 10

Feb 22, 2003, 09:57 AM
Hunt Shall Be Post Poned until Sunday Hopefully
Please excuse me v.v