View Full Version : "I'm going on a new diet..."

Mar 15, 2005, 04:06 AM
Do not EVER tell me about your amazing new diet.

I'm soo beyond such incomprehensible crap as that.
Atkins, low carb, grapefruit, etc.

When I tell you: "The only way to lose weight is through eating less and exercising more," its the truth.

This is not what people on "new diets" like to hear.
Guess what?! I don't want to hear about your amazing new diet that you'll never start, never lose weight from, and your best friend's sister's cousin told you it works!

Do you know what works?!
Why does everyone repeat the same thing:
Eat less, exercise more

A 'diet' does not mean a 3 month slide into always eating a salad or something everyday exclusively. Its changing your entire lifestyle, believe it or not.

Why do I know how to lose weight?! Oh crap! Its because I have.

Within 6-8 months I lost a good 30-35 lbs.
How? Eating less, and exercising more! So when I tell you that it works it works and I'm living proof.

I wasn't eating completely differently, I just merely ate less. "Oh but you get hungry right?" Ahem. *cough* Well what do you think losing weight felt like?! A walk in the park?

No your body is not eating you alive, its just getting rid of all that blubber you got keeping you warm everytime you step outside.

I used to eat two, count 'em two fast food burgers for a dinner meal. Nearly every night I used to do this. One simply wasn't enough. I "needed" two. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Nowadays, I walk a good 2 1/2 miles every morning and never go near two 500+ calorie fast food burgers for one meal.

Funny dialogues at work:

"So how much weight have you gained since you worked here(fast food restaurant)?"

"I've lost 35 lbs." :/

http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif "Really?"

Then those people who ask me those type of questions go and eat a scoop of rice, smothered in gravy. Twice even.

You can't control yourself, your fault.
I'm not even going to get into the attention whoring people who "need to lose 5 more lbs before spring break" when they're 16 years old and 95 lbs or less. Not even anywhere near obese/overweight at their height. Ugh.

Most of our customers look like they can eat me!

They will bitch about not getting 4,000 calories worth of food within 4 minutes. At that rate, 1,000/per minute and being so bossy about it, its no wonder you can barely stand up.

I don't want to pass judegment, you can do whatever you want, diabetes/blood pressure/etc. awaits you with open arms. Just don't bitch about not getting your food fast enough. You can stand to wait a few minutes more and oh crap, burn a couple calories through your waiting around even, perhaps.

Don't get me wrong,
I love food as much as anybody.
Moderation is key.
"You are what you eat."

Mar 15, 2005, 04:14 AM
I've eaten less, and I've gained 30 pounds.
whats the diddly-o?

seriously, atkins will make you fat, and i agree wholeheartedly.

Mar 15, 2005, 04:47 AM
i hate all these stupid new fucking diet fads. Now i hear there's even a "Cookie diet". People are so fucking stupid nowadays. If you watch your calories, fat, and do some excercise you'll fucking lose weight unless you have some sort of problem. People just want to do anything that's trendy. And the Atkins diet is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. You might loose weight in short amount of time, but longterm you'll fuckin die of a heart attack or get colon cancer.

Mar 15, 2005, 12:49 PM
Skipping meals is easier than most people think.

I never eat breakfast, and recently on most days we'll get lunch at work(depends how busy we are, or strapped for time), but yesterday I had two 99cent Wendy's chicken nugget "meals", then I ended up skipping dinner. Never ate again until 1am, which was a bowl of cream of chicken soup with crackers.

It's 12:44pm and I haven't eaten yet, so I'll prolly go eat a bowl of soup and get lunch out of the way.

It's really about self control and realising (barring any medical conditions) that your ass isn't going to die if you don't eat this fucking minute.

Heh, and yeah, I'm tired of hearing family say "God, I need to get rid of this gut" or "I could really lose 5-10 lbs". ok, get this, there's fat, and then there's a lack of tone.

And then there's the fact that you had three kids and you're prolly not going to lose what you have. >_<

I r in process of gaining tone and definition.

Mar 15, 2005, 12:55 PM
On 2005-03-15 09:49, ABDUR101 wrote:
Skipping meals is easier than most people think.

I never eat breakfast, and recently on most days we'll get lunch at work(depends how busy we are, or strapped for time), but yesterday I had two 99cent Wendy's chicken nugget "meals", then I ended up skipping dinner. Never ate again until 1am, which was a bowl of cream of chicken soup with crackers.

It's 12:44pm and I haven't eaten yet, so I'll prolly go eat a bowl of soup and get lunch out of the way.

It's really about self control and realising (barring any medical conditions) that your ass isn't going to die if you don't eat this fucking minute.

Heh, and yeah, I'm tired of hearing family say "God, I need to get rid of this gut" or "I could really lose 5-10 lbs". ok, get this, there's fat, and then there's a lack of tone.

And then there's the fact that you had three kids and you're prolly not going to lose what you have. >_<

I r in process of gaining tone and definition.

No, you're in the process of dying from starvation.


I think I've lost about 5 pounds since I started school (originally 7, but gained 2 back, I estimate). I told myself that I would start working on toning.


Mar 16, 2005, 01:15 PM
Abbypoo. You can't expect people to skip meals like you do. I get dizzy and weak if I skip meals. I still skip it, but really, usually not voluntary.

Did you also know that when you get hungry, your breath stinks? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

I don't have money for new pants!

Mar 16, 2005, 05:33 PM
On 2005-03-16 10:15, navinator wrote:
Abbypoo. You can't expect people to skip meals like you do. I get dizzy and weak if I skip meals. I still skip it, but really, usually not voluntary.

Maybe you're not used to skipping a meal here and there? It's not like you can just jump into it, your body expects food and you eat. But you're not fat either, so you don't need to skip meals.

I've skipped meals over the years because of work and school, most often not voluntarily.(Except for breakfast, which I do skip voluntarily) Yeah I've gotten dizzy and lightheaded and felt weak from it as well, it happens, thats a part of it. I never said I did'nt get hungry when I skip a meal, or my body doesn't make note of the lack of food.

Trust me, I still get hungry, but it's more or less either dealing with it or concentrating on it.

And more so, if someone is trying to lose weight, it doesn't matter how much excercise you do if you're packing in the food.

Did you also know that when you get hungry, your breath stinks? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

God gave breathmints to humanity for a reason.

Mar 16, 2005, 06:23 PM
The Atkins diet is crap. NEWSFLASH dietiers: you need carbs to live. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

On 2005-03-15 01:47, Evil_Althena8 wrote:
You might loose weight in short amount of time, but longterm you'll fuckin die of a heart attack or get colon cancer.

They'll either get thin or die. Either way it means less fat people to look at and bitch to you.

Mar 16, 2005, 06:53 PM
- Exercise 3 times per week, or more;
- Avoid fried food, sweets;
- Eat fruit, vegetables, lots of soup, meat and fish occasionally;
- Instead of juices, drink water. You won't imagine the amount of sugar in some;
- In the weekends, do some kind of exercise that involves motion (like biking or simply jogging);
- Be active. The way you think is shown in your brain, which is connected to the muscles and blood arterias (where fat accumulates), which are part of the body.

Here's how I eat, and take care of nutrition, without following a specific diet. I'm not fat, slim or too tough, I'm pretty much average.

Mar 16, 2005, 11:46 PM
- Workout
- Eat Less

If you have an interest in any sports sign up to a team, or just play locally with some friends. Eating is not the main reason people put on weight. It is because they are too lazy to get out and exercise. That being said you can easily plan your normal day and add exercise into it. For example rather then catching the local bus go a few stops down or if your destination isnt that far you could even walk there.
If you wanna workout the right way dont just go jogging but go to an actual gym, that way you can tone what part of your body you want.

- The Man

Mar 17, 2005, 12:54 AM
I love hearing about those new AMAZING diet pills that just DRAIN fat off your body overnight. Of course, they make it look real by making you pay a TON of money.

People that believe these things are just stupid. I mean, fat isn't like a liquid, it's tons and tons of little cells building up on the outer part of the muscle.

There is no miracle diet.

Mar 17, 2005, 03:25 PM
On 2005-03-16 21:54, Getintothegame wrote:
I love hearing about those new AMAZING diet pills that just DRAIN fat off your body overnight. Of course, they make it look real by making you pay a TON of money.

People that believe these things are just stupid. I mean, fat isn't like a liquid, it's tons and tons of little cells building up on the outer part of the muscle.

There is no miracle diet.

I agree. If all these diet methods claim to be so successful, why are so many people still fat? It's because those diets don't work.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: hucasts_rock on 2005-03-17 12:26 ]</font>

Mar 17, 2005, 04:53 PM

Lots of excercise = free pass to eat all you want without worrying about your weight.

Seriously, more toning people! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Mar 19, 2005, 06:04 AM
i prefer the natural method of caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamines. if you don't lose weight you get this great buzz. only difficult part is trying to write chinese characters when you are getting a case of the jitters. but then that's what other natural methods are for ... mmm, booze, vicodine, and more nicotine.

have i lost weight? no. but that's because i'm not dedicated to my betty ford diet as i should be; midterms, y'know.


ps: study around 30+ kanji a week, along with their ON/KUN readings and compounds, and you'll see the wisdom of my betty ford diet.