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  1. #161
    The Once and FOmar King SirTopps's Avatar
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    yeah we can figure out mags later. lets stick to story now. i know everyones busy but if you have any idea just plop it in here.

  2. #162
    The beast of possibility Zero Revenge's Avatar
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    Donni, you're the man in charge. Why not write up a draft for the basic plot, as we'll all vote on it?

    And by we, I mean give our opinion. Since, if you're writing it. You have the ultimate say.
    Quote Originally Posted by Colaya View Post
    >Criticize Japanese players for only making young Female Human/Newman characters
    >Only make young Female Human/Newman characters when you get into Alpha


  3. #163
    The Once and FOmar King SirTopps's Avatar
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    i say we talk about it for a few more days. to help out this poor guy. then he can get cracking.

  4. #164
    dealing with real life Donnikun's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know.


    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Revenge View Post
    Donni, you're the man in charge. Why not write up a draft for the basic plot, as we'll all vote on it?

    And by we, I mean give our opinion. Since, if you're writing it. You have the ultimate say.
    well this is democracy, meaning i have ultimate responsibility, and you guys have ultimate say, voting and the majority of votes wins. I have the responsibility of fulfilling the majority decision, even if its the idea i voted against, and coordinating the conversation, but i in no way have any more power. I wont let myself.

    (boring explanation of the script writing process, feel free not to read.)

    the first rule of writing is dont write until you know what to write. If i start making a draft and people say i dont like it, then i gotta do it again. So by brainstorming, everyone comes to a concensus on what to make and i write it then, that way less editing. I learned in script writing class that the best thing you can do when writing is minimize trial and error plotlines. This is because often you only get one chance to pitch an idea to a big wig director. Amination is my field of study, and yes lots of script writing goes with it. In addition to those rappy images i had due, i also had to turn in the first 25 pages of a pokemon fanfic script today, and he grades on not only whats in it, but its format too, script writing is brutal lol.

    (the long winded eulogy is over now lol)

    or i could just say my fanfic, my rules and not let anyone have a say, but this isnt, we act like adults here lol. I value everyone's input, we didnt grow so large so fast by topps bossin people around lol.
    Oh look at the cute little rappy!! OH MY GOD HE GOT BRAINED BY A RAmar!!!!!!
    PSZ info: NN: Donald FC: 1806-2273-0285

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  5. #165


    Given the fact that this will happen some time after the events of the main plot, perhaps our group could be a task force directed towards eliminating or preventing threats using a more subtle approach....for example: instead of constantly sending groups of hunters and rangers to control the hostile population we forces could send out groups directed towards undermining them; be it by simply casting long lasting weakening spells or setting up protective areas using our AoE spells, thus allowing the creation of small settlements....then again they already exist in the form of cake/pizza shops.....

  6. #166
    Foie Blasting Newman pso_crash's Avatar
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    We could keep do the story in a straight forward adventure, like the pokemon anime, or full metal alchemist. Make a small group out of a few of the core FON members seeking out some lost knowledge, or artifact that could have an impact on the current civilization, or wash away that poison gas that mother trinity spread on the earth. As these members search out whatever they are looking for they meet other FON members, or future members, who adventure with them for a short time. They could take on some of games toughest bosses and some of our own design.

    edited to add comas

  7. #167


    I agree with crash. In this kind of story, we need to just travel around and have adventures. At the same time, I think we need a home base of operations and an overall plot that perhaps links seemingly unrelated things together.

    One of the things we need to do in the first story, besides establish the core characters, is to establish our purpose and our relationship with the city.

    I got a random idea earlier.
    A man enters the city's hunter's guild because a family member(decide which member and reason later) is missing outside the city. He can't pay the guild money for the commission because he has an elderly father who is ill. He needs the money for medicine. Since the receptionist is corrupt, he refuses to have the guild take the job without being paid. Dejectedly, the man walks out of the guild and runs into topp's group, who decide to take the job. (the topp's group can either be part of the guild and are reporting on a job, or just happen to overhear and aren't really part of the guild. didn't know what we decided) The core members of FON go and complete the mission. Everyone's happy, etc. Perhaps my character waits with the man and his father and ends up curing the illness.

    We establish the characters during the mission. As for our purpose, I think it is simply to help people. That can be demonstrated by our taking the man's job when he was rejected. Also, I think it would be interesting if we were at odds with the guild, and even the city. Perhaps topps chose the city as our base of operations because he wants to improve the citizens' lives by eliminating the corruption there. It might even be fun if, later on, the disagreements between the guild and FON results in the guild going on a manhunt for FON members. (FON on the run!) (I think I have been watching too much Batman )

    guild coordinator: why did you take that job without the guild's permission?!
    FON: since when do we need permission to come to a person's aid?
    "Siiiigh. Really, I was always aware of the stupidity. But not that it could go this far. I mean mine, of course. And the fact that I am getting involved in all this." -Hakkai, Saiyuki Reload act xx burial -Gojyo and Hakkai's chapter [part three]

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  8. #168
    The Once and FOmar King SirTopps's Avatar
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    i like action . i like adventure . i like drama. i like comedy .

    oh yeah i like earthys ideas . the FON could relocate to Detroit.
    and lol . i love batman too.

  9. #169


    I would only locate to Detroit if there are lots and lots of puzzles there.
    Do they have a major park-area chess competition?

  10. #170
    The Once and FOmar King SirTopps's Avatar
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    at first i thought you said pizza. i would go there for pizza too.

    anyway . i had another idea. maybe we could run into some PSZ characters like that dude or that girl or some of the lesser known ones.

    oh and detroit is a puzzle in it self.

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