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  1. #31
    The beast of possibility Zero Revenge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outrider View Post
    While in a perfect world I would agree with you guys, the fact of the matter is that there are many people that are rightfully offended by this terminology and I think it's hard for somebody who has never been offended by a term (or even known why it was offensive) to say whether or not it's okay to user it in a non-offensive way.
    Then there are many people that need to rightfully get over it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Colaya View Post
    >Criticize Japanese players for only making young Female Human/Newman characters
    >Only make young Female Human/Newman characters when you get into Alpha


  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Revenge View Post
    Then there are many people that need to rightfully get over it.
    So, you're saying if I call a black person the N word, or an Asian person the CH word, or a Mexican/Latino person the S word, and they get mad, I should just tell them to get over it?

    Hey, you're an idiot, by the way.

  3. #33
    Crazy Awesome Old Potato Man Guy HAYABUSA-FMW-'s Avatar
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    If more people started using and passing on JPN <- look at that, the same # of letters, or my fave (co.)jp, then there wouldn't be a problem at all to have to avoid - even in being oblivious to it.

    But then we got someone above who says other people need to change, instead of the ones who really need to change - even if just changing the abbreviation - shouldn't, "other people need to get over themselves."

    Good thing this is just a small sampling of people, usually the sheltered gamer teenager exploding barrels, quick to be "smart" or self-righteous about any little thing. They got time to grow up, make better friends, forget stupid things their parents pass on and they don't realize it.

  4. #34
    The beast of possibility Zero Revenge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro_Vordex View Post
    So, you're saying if I call a black person the N word, or an Asian person the CH word, or a Mexican/Latino person the S word, and they get mad, I should just tell them to get over it?

    Hey, you're an idiot, by the way.
    It still makes you a racist dipshit, and you're asking to get your ass kicked; but they shouldn't let a word control them like that.

    And Hey, thanks for your opinion. I'll put it right alongside the others.
    Quote Originally Posted by Colaya View Post
    >Criticize Japanese players for only making young Female Human/Newman characters
    >Only make young Female Human/Newman characters when you get into Alpha


  5. #35
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Revenge View Post
    It still makes you a racist dipshit, and you're asking to get your ass kicked; but they shouldn't let a word control them like that.

    And Hey, thanks for your opinion. I'll put it right alongside the others.
    People shouldn't let a lot of things "control" them, but it's part of being human.
    If you've never experienced racism, you have no idea how it can get to you.

    For my situation, I'm white, and love the dark ladies.
    I get criticized all the time for it, but I'm not too bothered by the smart-ass jokes I hear.

    Though I will not say it's as bad as what the ladies get.

    Anyway, I think you're just being ignorant about this situation.

    Have you experienced any racism, ever?
    If not, then what you say from now on is pretty much a joke.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Revenge View Post
    It still makes you a racist dipshit, and you're asking to get your ass kicked; but they shouldn't let a word control them like that.

    And Hey, thanks for your opinion. I'll put it right alongside the others.
    People always think that words are just words. But words have meaning, and the meaning of those particular are meant to hate, enrage, and undermine other people. Words aren't created to just be shrugged off, they all have some kind of meaning to them, and some shouldn't be said because of the friction and and hate in them. We're supposed to be moving forward away from that kind of crap, not backwards.

    To be fair, I'm guessing you come from a place where there's a huge mix of people.

  7. #37
    The beast of possibility Zero Revenge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volcompat321 View Post
    Have you experienced any racism, ever?
    If not, then what you say from now on is pretty much a joke.
    Of course I have. Who can honestly say they haven't? I used to let it bother the shit out of me when I was young and naive - in High School, but now that i'm practically done with College, I'm not as.... what's the word... I don't let other people's opinions about me bother me. Atleast not anymore.

    Came college, when alot of the assholes I went to High School came to the same college, and the same "jokes" continued for a while. I ignored most of it, and I kicked the crap out of a kid who insulted me in front of my new-friends [as my reputation in High School was less than stellar].

    So it comes down to that. If you let it bother you, then you're letting the other person win. No matter if it's a racial or homosexual term, all that matters is to know that the insulter is an ignorant little shit. Be the better man and don't let it bother you.

    Or do what I did and kick the crap outta him, that stopped it too. But whenever I get into arguments and anyone calls me a fucking cracker, queerbate or faggot, I don't get all huffy or offended, I shrug it off. Whatever this asshole says doesn't bother me, I don't let it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volcompat321 View Post
    For my situation, I'm white, and love the dark ladies.
    I get criticized all the time for it, but I'm not too bothered by the smart-ass jokes I hear.

    Though I will not say it's as bad as what the ladies get.

    Anyway, I think you're just being ignorant about this situation.
    See, right away your viewpoint is different on this because you're calling these insults "smart-ass jokes" as if that almost okay's the actions of these people. Where do you live? I am quite shocked that you, in Florida, are catching flak for dating an ethnic girl [be it black or whatever, you just say "dark"].

    Oh, I'm not ignorant about this, I know what's said about white girls who date black men, coal burner, etc. I'm not oblivious about how the world looks at people; but I think if people as a whole didn't let these words bother them [or use them in there own groups, IE: Blacks calling themselves the N-Word] then it would have been phased out.

    And I'm quite shocked... when I was in High School in my predominately-white town, I dated a black girl, Hispanic girl, half-Chinese/Indian girl, and never caught flak for it [atleast not for it being a ethnic relationship] atleast not from other White Kids, it was the girl's side of the people that were against it.. And that's in a white town in New Jersey. But then again, maybe that's the key. New Jersey, one of the most diverse states in the Union...

    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro_Vordex View Post
    To be fair, I'm guessing you come from a place where there's a huge mix of people.
    Actually I didn't. I was raised in a predominately-white area, but soon after leaving High School, moved to a predominately black & Hispanic area. [So, actually the answer would be a resounding "yes".]
    Last edited by Zero Revenge; Feb 17, 2010 at 01:07 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Colaya View Post
    >Criticize Japanese players for only making young Female Human/Newman characters
    >Only make young Female Human/Newman characters when you get into Alpha


  8. #38
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Revenge
    So it comes down to that. If you let it bother you, then you're letting the other person win. No matter if it's a racial or homosexual term, all that matters is to know that the insulter is an ignorant little shit. Be the better man and don't let it bother you.
    Or do what I did and kick the crap outta him, that stopped it too. But whenever I get into arguments and anyone calls me a fucking cracker, queerbate or faggot, I don't get all huffy or offended, I shrug it off. Whatever this asshole says doesn't bother me, I don't let it.

    I was never a lover. More of a fighter.
    It's always worked for me. I'm still considered the "crazy" one of all my friends.
    Which I'm fine with.
    I don't get bothered at all with the homosexual remarks, because I'm not one, or homophobic.
    My sisters used to call me "gay" and "faggot" all the time. I never cared if the people at school said that shit. I just told them to shut the eff up. Never beat anyone up for that.

    See, right away your viewpoint is different on this because you're calling these insults "smart-ass jokes" as if that almost okay's the actions of these people. Where do you live? I am quite shocked that you, in Florida, are catching flak for dating an ethnic girl [be it black or whatever, you just say "dark"].
    The reason I call racist remarks "smart-ass jokes" is because nowadays, the people are too fucking stupid to make any type of educated opinion about someone of a different race.
    So it's not that I have a different viewpoint. I understand where you're coming from. I just make sure I take in all aspects of a situation.

    Oh, I'm not ignorant about this, I know what's said about white girls who date black men, coal burner, etc. I'm not oblivious about how the world looks at people; but I think if people as a whole didn't let these words bother them [or use them in there own groups, IE: Blacks calling themselves the N-Word] then it would have been phased out.
    Well, here again, you're talking about removing a human emotion.
    Words will always bother people.
    Sometimes words can be more violent than physical confrontation.

    I think the "blacks calling themselves the N-word" has nothing to do with phasing the word out.
    They aren't using any racist term to each other, and it doesn't mean the same thing as a white or any other race than black saying it.
    It's kinda hard to explain that without looking racist myself, so I'll just stop.

    And I'm quite shocked... when I was in High School in my predominately-white town, I dated a black girl, Hispanic girl, half-Chinese/Indian girl, and never caught flak for it [atleast not for it being a ethnic relationship] atleast not from other White Kids, it was the girl's side of the people that were against it.. And that's in a white town in New Jersey. But then again, maybe that's the key. New Jersey, one of the most diverse states in the Union...
    I don't get shit about dating dark ladies from the white young people, but more from the older people.
    I see them in stores and they look at us funny. I've been called a N-lover to my face by an old bitch.
    Some things people don't realize about Florida is that there are a shitton of rednecks.
    There's old people that were brought up to be racist. It was just their way of living. And I mean white and black families are like this, cept from my experience, the black families are more open to inter-racial relationships, despite disliking white people.
    Melbourne, Florida has 71,000+ people, not all of them are racist, but...I'd say a lot are.
    Last edited by Volcompat321; Feb 17, 2010 at 03:38 PM. Reason: there-their

  9. #39
    Midnight Caller Kylie's Avatar
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    It doesn't offend me, but neither do a lot of other racially charged words that I won't mention here because I take pride in squeaky-clean record. I do understand why it's offensive to some people though. It was a derogatory term during World War II. But Kylie; that was so long ago! Yes, dear, I know, but "nigger" was used as a derogatory term long before "Jap" was, so I can how it can be on the same level... Again though, it isn't to me. Don't mod me! D:

    PSO2: Kylie.HUnewearl.Sh02

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